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2023 International Blues Challenge Finalist!  

We are thrilled to share the news that we placed at the top of the 2023 International Blues Challenge and Brian was awarded Lee Oskar Best Harmonica Player Award! This incredible honor is a testament to Brian's hard work and dedication, as well as to our collaborative band dynamic. The Lee Oskar award is a highly prestigious accolade and we could not be more proud of Brian's outstanding achievement. Together this experience has only left us more inspired to perfect our craft and take our music to even great heights in the future.

It's no easy task trying to make it in the music business and needless to say, it's even tougher trying to make it in the smaller blues business. With that being said, blues is our business so, we do whatever we can to keep the blues alive and chase down our dreams! 

I have had to learn the hard way about asking for help. I normally under no circumstance would I ask for donations. I have always worked for everything I have, or I go without. I know that many of you feel the same way and would never ask for help. But what I have found out, is that I hate to receive gifts and donations, but I love to give and help in any way that I can. I am always disappointed when I miss an opportunity to help a friends in need. So, after all that, I don't want to take your opportunity to help. Here's my big ask!

I am asking for two of three things... one, whatever positive vibes and prays that you can lift up for our continued success. Two, any monetary donation that you can  afford to help make the expenses of touring and self-producing/releasing an album a little more manageable. Three, for you to find nothing but peace, love and prosperity throughout the rest of the year and 2023. So please click the link below and donate and or drop us a line of encouragement. Thank you!